Areola Tattoo Removal

Areola tattoo removal focuses on removing tattoos around the nipple area, often applied during breast reconstruction. Laser methods are typically used, but extra care is required due to the sensitivity of the skin in this area.

Austin Laser Solutions specializes in advanced tattoo removal treatments using the Enlighten laser system, offering efficient and effective solutions for all skin types.

Removal Areas

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Removal Methods

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Tattoo Bill's Tattoo Removal specializes in safe and effective laser tattoo removal services in Charlotte, N.C., using advanced technology and experienced technicians.

Removal Areas

Ageless Remedies South Park offers advanced PicoSure laser tattoo removal, utilizing PressureWave technology for effective and safe ink shattering without damaging the skin.

Removal Areas

Mirabile MD offers advanced tattoo removal treatments using the enlighten laser, known for its effectiveness on various ink colors and skin types.

Logo of Laser & Skin Surgery Center of Northern California

Removal Methods

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The Laser & Skin Surgery Center specializes in laser tattoo removal, utilizing advanced medical lasers to effectively and safely remove unwanted tattoos. They ensure a tailored approach for each individual's needs.